Dental crowns
Dental crowns are prosthetic substitutes for a damaged or a missing tooth, in case they make a part of the bridge. Indications for the crowns include: teeth badly damaged by caries, large filllings, endodontically treated teeeth with major loss of dental pulp, discolorated teeth... Crowns fully compensate for the tooth that is being replaced, bot aesthetically and functionally. The tooth becomes stronger and its natural coloration is restored, with excellent aesthetic results. Materials used for making of the crowns have significantly advanced over the last decade, along with digital technologies, an indespensable ally in the creation of perfect prosthetic substitues. It is sometimes necessary to conduct a pre-prothetic preparation such as treatment of caries, endodontic curation of teeth, paradontological preparation, removal of hard and soft dental deposits...
Depending on the number of crowns to be made, conditions of other teeth, and a few other factors, we can opt between the two types of crowns:
Metal-ceramic crowns
Non-metallic crowns
Metal-ceramic crowns
Until recently, the metal-ceramic crowns were the most used type. Their base consists of a thin metallic layer, plated with a layer of ceramic in the natural tooth color. They are very firm, reliable and aesthetically pleasing. However, due to the thin metallic layer in their base, they are unable to diffuse light, thus somewhat better eastheetic results are provided by the non-metallic crowns.
Non-metallic crowns
Non-metallic crowns are the preffered choice especialy for the front teeth. They are also the best option when a patient needs a small number of crowns since they fit perfectly in the dental line making it almost impossible to distinguish between the non-metallic crown and a natural tooth. It was previously considered that metal-ceramic crowns had superior physical qualities and that they were more durable, however, with the technological advancements, materials used for making of non-metallic crowns became almost indestructable.
There are several types of non-metallic crowns:
Zircon crowns ( several types)
Lithium disilicate ceramics
How long does it take to make the crowns?
After the application of the local anaesthetic, the natural tooth needs to be filed down and dental pulp removed. The Pavlovic Dental Clinic provides their patients with custom made temporary crowns for all filed teeth which are fully aesthetically satisfying. The patient wears temporary crowns until the actual crowns are finalized and leaves the Clinic completely able to resume their daily activities.
The choice of the type of crown depends on the needs and the patient's specific circumstances. One of the stomatologists at the Pavlovic Clinic will suggest the most suitable solution upon conducting a dental examination.
Dental crowns - Price
Metal-ceramic crowns 15.000,00 RSD
Non-metallic crowns 28.000,00 - 30.000,00 RSD
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