Myofunctional appliances – trainers         

Trainers are orthodontic appliances which help us eliminate the adverse effects of the oral cavity muscles or bad habits and correct or completely fix orthodontic misalignments.

The first and the most common indication for the trainer treatment is thumb sucking. This bad habit is wide spread and can lead to serious dysfunction of the entire stomatognathic system and damage the aesthetics. That is why it is important that a child stops thumb sucking until the age 3. The parents of the children with thumbsucking habit know very well how hard that is. This is where the trainer can help. First, trainers are adjusted to the child aged 2-5, they are soft, smooth and flexible, so they won’t bother a child and will disable the thumb to push its way among the teeth.  Their design is attractive so the children perceive them as toys and accept them very well. The children should wear them during the night and for just one hour during the day and the result is assured. Of course, it would be wrong to assume that the child will stop thumbsucking immediatelly after receiving a trainer. It is a process of adjusting, starting slowly and gradually picking up the pace with the help of the trainer, which over time takes the place of the thumb and the child drops the habit altogether. Most frequently, if the child stops sucking its thumb by the given age, the teeth would continue to develop without any deviations. If this period is missed, trainers designed for older children should be used and the whole procedure starts later. Trainers for older children are also very efficient, but if the orthodontic anomaly had already developed, then the trainer would represent an initial stage of the therapy, whereas in the subsequent stage „crooked“ teeth would be treated with mobile or fixed braces. 

Also, the procedure is the same as for the little ones who have hard time giving up the pacifier, have a bad habit of tongue thrusting, etc...The trainer is designed in such a way as to balance the position of lips, teeth, tongue and cheek and allow for their proper development. 

Trainers are also useful for the children who are noticed to have a misaligned bite at an early age, and if a toddler starts trainer therapy at the age 2-5, we can expect that the deviation would be at least reduced, and in a large number of cases even fully fixed. 

In addition, there are also trainers for adults, which can alleviate or eliminate a deviation, such as anti-snoring trainers, etc...

„Why should a child wear a trainer when he/she will later wear braces anyway?“ This is a very frequent question. Firstly, the trainer will definitely alleviate the deviation which a child has a tendency to develop, resulting also in the lower price of the whole therapy. Besides, if the orthodontic therapy succeeds in straightening the teeth but the bad habits remain, such as tongue thursting, sustainability of results will be diminished and there is a higher risk that the teeth will „go back“ to way they were before. Thus, it is crucial that the Jaw Orthodontic Specialist discovers the cause for the presence of a certain deviation and to prescribe a therapy with myofunctional appliance-trainer to those patients who are indicated for it. 

Trainers – price 

Price of the trainer therapy at the Pavlovic Clinic is RSD 18,000. Cena terapije trejnerom u Ordinaciji Pavlović iznosi 12000 din. This service, as well as all other services at the Pavlovic Dental Clinic, can be paid by cash, checks, credit/debit cards and through administrative order.

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